
Fitri Barnas | Corporate Secretary

Indonesian citizen, 55 years old, residing in Jakarta, has been the Corporate Secretary of Our Company since 2002 based on the decision of the Board of Directors; holds a Law Degree from the University of Indonesia; has been working for the Bakrie & Brothers business group since 1994, primarily in the areas of corporate legal affairs; previously was Corporate Legal Manager of PT Bakrie & Brothers Tbk. As the Corporate Secretary, throughout 2021 has attended various seminars, socializations, online classes, dialogues and hearings to enhance his capabilities, as listed on page 149.


The Corporate Secretary is in charge as a liaison between Our Company with capital market authorities, shareholders, investors and other stakeholders; holds the responsibility for the supervision and coordination of the GMS, public expose events, and all corporate actions; as well as performs the required facilitation and documentation and also ensures the implementation of the agenda related to meetings of the Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners.


The Corporate Secretary in Our Company performs the tasks and responsibilities as stipulated in OJK Regulations No.35/POJK.04/2014, and is also responsible for the functions of:

  • Corporate Compliance; consistent safeguarding of the compliance towards the prevailing rules and regulations, including but not limited to those related to transparency requirements and the capital market; preparing and registering reports required by regulators
  • Corporate Legal; providing inputs, considerations and legal opinions to the Board of Directors and Business Units, based on the latest developments in rules and regulations, with regards to Our Company’s status as public company, as well as in relation to the operations and business development activities; ensuring the processing, documentation and availability of legal documents and licenses;