Consumer Protection
Our Company operates in business segments that produce industrial raw materials which are merely related to industrial consumers in a limited market, not to retail consumers.
The rights of and protection for Our Company’s consumers are guaranteed and regulated in the relevant sales contracts.

Consumer Complaint Service
Our Company does not have a special center for handling consumer complaints, but provide services to consumers directly through the Commercial Division of each related segment.
Product Liability
Our Company is committed to the implementation of health and safety standards for supplied products, in compliance with the designated uses in related industries. Especially for CPO and oleochemical products, the standards used are adjusted to the standards for manufacturers of Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) as Our Company’s consumers.
The provisions about the standards established between Our Company and the related consumers are stated in binding contracts.
Our Company also provides a complaint mechanism for parties who feel aggrieved over the performance of your Company’s products. Our Company conducts a Customer Satisfaction Survey on an annual basis to assess the company’s performance in the eyes of the customers. This survey evaluates the aspects of communications with customers, delivery of goods, quality of products delivered, quantity and price of the products. The survey conducted for the 2020-2022 period indicated a ‘Good’ satisfactory level, with an average score of 84.00 for palm oil and ‘Excellent’ with an average score of 98.67 for rubber in 2022.