Occupational Health & Safety
Human Resources Conditions
In 2021 Our Company employs 7,412 employees, which includes 3 commissioners, 4 directors, 360 staff and 7,045 non-management staff, excluding day laborers.

Employment Equality
Our Company provides jobs for employees with diverse levels of educational background.
Every employee makes a positive contribution to the development of the company in accordance with the respective competencies and types of work.
In 2022, Our Company staff members’ educational background covered Senior High School (SMA) to S2 Graduate Degree covering 14.72% SMA, 5.83% Diploma (D3/D2/D1), 76.94% S1 and 2.50% S2. As for non-staff workers, the educational background ranged from Elementary School (SD) to S1 Undergraduate Degree covering 27.24% SD, 26.03% SMP, 42.06% SMA, 1.67% Diploma and 3.00% S1.
Our Company also provides equal opportunities to all employees to perform their best in order to get into various positions within the organization. The comparative composition between male and female employees in 2022 was 86.94% and 13.06% for staff members, as well as 90.62% and 9.38% for non-staff workers.
Occupational Health and Safety (OHS)
The Regulation of the Manpower Minister No. 05/MEN/1966 is the foundation for the implementation of management systems related to the efforts to control health and safety risks and the efforts to improveperformance.
Our company sets all OHS policies with the aim to meet the zero accident standards. The OHS management is performed under the provisions of the manpower and OHS regulation of the Indonesian Manpower and Transmigration.
OHSMS/SMK3 is a form of safeguarding of the sources of production, production processes, production equipment and occupational environment. OHSMS/ SMK3 has become an important aspect in Our Company’s operational activities. Our Company is hence committed to set a Zero Accident target for all Subsidiaries.
Our Company has conducted various efforts to ensure the attainment of the Zero Accident target, including the identification of hazards and risks, occupational safety analysis, nearmiss analysis, safety campaign & patrol, OHS signages installation, personal protective gears provision, OHS training, as well as the imposition of sanctions over unsafe behaviors and the improvement of unsafe conditions.
Our Company has received the Zero Accident Awards from the Indonesian Ministry of Manpower for its outstanding performance in conducting the OHS programs,